
26 June 2011

Mono no aware

Photograph taken by Adam Romanowicz

she is a promise in a transient grave
bursting into life from the cocoon
of her language,
hung in tufts of chalk dust alphabets
through the letting go of time
and the cleaving of the wind
I wait to drag her death into my mouth
and for the bridge 
of her rolling tongue
to meet me in this burial ground
somei yoshino
somei yoshino watches
as Newtons two thumbs pull
her poetry towards me
Mono no aware
I wait
for her lexicon to take
its first and only breath

offered as part of One Stop Poetry’s Sunday Picture Prompt Challenge


Claudia said...

great imagery in this cat and love the..chalk dust alphabets...

dustus said...

"I wait
for her lexicon to take
its first and only breath"

Love how the sound element emerges through the letting go of time—makes for interesting lexical and physical parallels.

Diana Lee said...

Simply gorgeous imagery.

Brian Miller said...

whew...those first 3 lines are stellar...and then drag her death into my this one a lot...

Reflections said...

Fabulous write... love the impact of your imagery of words, like chalk dust alphabets... to waiting for her lexicon to take its first and only breath. powerful!

Sage Ravenwood said...

Haunting and at the same time beautiful. Tender morsels of words from an enormous spirit. Love this one! (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Breathtaking and startling. Powerful writing.

Anonymous said...

Really fell in love with this little story Cat, so sad and sumptuous all at the same time