
21 December 2011

my paper autumn

is it fitful

the way that pleat

of peace

that corrugated hope

form canyons in your mind?

and all that growing

growing inside growing

spring inside of winter

vowels inside of nouns

your sinuous


even words


they wail

silhouette and outline

what it is

and it is

it is


in this accordion fold

in this leaf

a radial spectrum





Diana Lee said...

Just simply stunning.

Tashtoo said...

I have had a few drafts that have resulted in some fantastic origami! Love the word play, as you take us through your process, and the image could not have been more perfect!

Brian Miller said...

this is lovely...great line breaks and play through out...and it leaves a smile...

hedgewitch said...

Love every word, every twist and turn and pleat of this deft and ingenious piece. I confess I find poems on the seasons seldom original--a very well worn path--but you've run off it into the woods with a maenad whimsy here, and I love it. Merry Christmas, cat.